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AAEONAEU-SW edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 1 revision


This is a simplified tutorial to evaluate OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture) based on the open-source implementation open62541 to take advantage of the TSN functionality available on our UP series with Intel i210 network interfaces:

It can be used as a starting point to learn/evaluate OPC UA including TSN technology and it is based on the tutorial created by Kalycito, with additionally pre-patched and configured kernel source and configuration files for our platforms.

System Setup (2 systems)

You would need to setup 2 systems and configure one as Master (Node1) and one as Slave (Node2).

On both systems install Ubuntu 18.04 from a USB stick

Real Time Kernel (2 systems)

On both systems download 4.19 Kernel with RealTime patches and updated .config to address the OPCUA TSN software requirements From a terminal window, extract the kernel and move into the kernel source directory, e.g.:

 tar xzf linux-4.19.37_toCompile.tar.gz
 cd linux-4.19.37

Add the necessary dependencies to build the kernel:

 sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev flex bison openssl libssl-dev dkms libelf-dev libudev-dev libpci-dev libiberty-dev autoconf build-essential git

Remove all the other kernels:

 sudo apt-get autoremove --purge 'linux-.*generic'

Compile and install the new kernel:

 make -j4
 sudo make modules_install -j4
 sudo make install -j4


 sudo reboot

Verify to be running the new Kernel:

 uname -a

Software dependencies and Setup (2 systems)

On both systems download the setup scripts from Github

 git clone
 cd opc-ua_open62541_setup
 chmod +x *.sh

Master Setup (Node1)

From the opc-ua_open62541_setup and run the master first setup script


Wait for the system to complete and reboot (it will take a while)

From the opc-ua_open62541_setup and run the master second setup script


Slave Setup (Node2)

From the opc-ua_open62541_setup and run the slave first setup script


Wait for the system to complete and reboot (it will take a while)

From the opc-ua_open62541_setup and run the slave second setup script


Run the OPC-UA demo application

Boot both Systems (master and slave) connecting directly the 2 with an ethernet cable (port 2 under the DP port for UP Core Plus with Net Plus)

For the Slave system (Node2) go to the open65421/build folder and execute the following command to run the PubSub loopback application

 sudo ./bin/pubsub_TSN_loopback enp2s0

For the Master system (Node1) go to the open65421/build folder and execute the following command to run the PubSub publisher application

 sudo ./bin/pubsub_TSN_publisher enp2s0
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